A life worth living is a life of noble purpose and profound meaning.Nassir Sabah
Repudiating the supernatural in the name of science is like a blind man denying the existence of what he cannot see.Nassir Sabah
Spirituality is the wide opening in the cage of worldly concerns that securely liberates to the exhilarating liberty outside the cage and to the sublime heights of serenity and self-fulfillment.Nassir Sabah
The most sublime Spirituality is predicated on the feeling of close connectedness to The Almighty – the Creator of the universe and the Guide and Sustainer of all that is in it.Nassir Sabah
Believing in the Afterlife as a requital for one’s conduct in this life should engender a profound sense of vigilance in this life.Nassir Sabah
With Spirituality, life’s challenges become steppingstones on the path of self-development, rather than stumbling blocks.Nassir Sabah
With Spirituality, one would take in one’s stride whatever comes, not regretting what was lost, nor overjoying at what was gained.Nassir Sabah
Money is a beneficial servant but a vile master.Nassir Sabah
Love is the spring of goodness and beauty. Al-raḥmah, or “loving-mercy”, which is “love-in-action”, is what makes the spring gush forth and sprout life along its way.Nassir Sabah
It behooves scientists to lift their gaze from their texts and equations and try to perceive what is beyond the scope and reach of present-day science. The rewards are immense, stupendously dwarfing anything imaginable.Nassir Sabah
It is amazing how adept most people are at distracting themselves from the most important existential questions about the purpose of life and the meaning of life and death.Nassir Sabah
What is wrong with the world today is that most people have lost their spiritual bearings and compass. They are oblivious to the purpose and meaning of their existence and waste their lives pursuing trivial and illusory worldly goals that they consider of utmost worth.Nassir Sabah
The mind, like the body, is nourished by a varied diet; a restricted diet makes the mind stale. In both cases the diet should comprise healthful elements and be devoid of harmful ones.Nassir Sabah
The most ignorant are those who think they know everything. Nassir Sabah
What does it all mean?
The blue color of the glass and the light it transmits symbolizes Divine love.
The lotus flower symbolizes spiritual awakening and enlightenment, transcendence over worldly matters, tranquility, purity of heart and mind, inner strength, and beauty.
The lotus flower iridesces in full bloom in an otherwise empty and desolate space when struck by heavenly light streaming through the stained-glass arch window. In the same way, Spirituality, with its attendant serenity and self-fulfillment, is rekindled by unhindered and unadulterated exposure to Divine love and mercy.
Cover image by Farid S. Schoucair, Creative Director