Refrain Verse in Chapter 55

Nassir H. Sabah

Chapter 55 (The Most Compassionate) contains a refrain verse – “So which of your Rabb’s favors do you deny?” – that is repeated 31 times, mostly after one other verse and in four instances after two other verses. What about the number 31? If the numbers 1 to 31 are laid side by side, with the first number 1 on the right and ending with number 31 on the left, bearing in mind that Arabic is written and read from right to left, the result is a 53-digit number:


where the odd numbers are in bold for clarity. This number is a multiple of 7, that is, it equals:


If the order of the numerals is reversed, the resulting 53-digit number is:


where odd numbers, reversed when more than 9, are in bold for clarity. This number is also a multiple of 7, that is, it equals:


The first refrain verse is number 13 in Chapter 55 and the last refrain verse is number 77. If the verse numbers of the 31 refrain verses are laid side by side, starting with number 13 on the right and ending with number 77 on the left, the result is a 62-digit number:


where alternate verse numbers are in bold for clarity. This number is a multiple of 7, that is, it equals:


If the order of the numerals is reversed, the resulting 62-digit number is: 31618112325282032343638304245474941535557595163656769617375777

where the same verse numbers, in reverse, are in bold for clarity. This number is also a multiple of 7, that is, it equals:


Such numerical relations could not be coincidences nor could they have been concocted by the Prophet Muhammad or by any mortal before the 7th century CE, when the Quran was revealed. So how can the Quran be of other than Divine origin?